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Anabolic steroids for cycling best doping cycling hormone Nandrolone

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Nandrolone is a fairly widespread anabolic, in every sporting discipline, obviously if you want to do illicit things…

Nandrolone is a derivative of testosterone, present in minimal quantities in the body, which in medicine is used to treat male subjects with androgynous deficiency or as an adjuvant treatment in some forms of osteoporosis.

Once nandrolone is injected, its release continues for at least 130 hours.

The anabolic power of nandrolone is similar to that of testosterone, with an increase in hemoglobin level, improvement in muscle mass, strength and red blood cells.

These characteristics make it perfect as a doping in athletes who can significantly increase their performance with its use.

Among other things, it is not very easy to trace also because an athlete who has a nandrolone value higher than 2 nanograms/ml is considered positive...

In short, there are always margins to work on to transform a cyclist, perhaps not into a champion, but at least into a "luxury wingman"...

Obviously in a completely illicit way...

The main and best-known nandrolone-based drugs are the following:

Deca Durabolin


Even in this case, its intake outside medical supervision, as well as being prohibited, is very dangerous for the body.


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