Better to take protein powder or branched chain amino acids, here is the choice of professionals


Choosing between protein powders and branched chain amino acids depends on the specific goals you have for your nutrition and training. Here's a brief overview of the two:

Protein powder:
Complete Protein Source: Protein powders, such as whey (whey) or casein, provide a complete protein source that contains all the essential amino acids the body needs.
Muscle Recovery: They are often used for muscle recovery after training and to support muscle growth.
Convenience: They are quick and easy to consume and can be mixed with liquids or used in recipes.


Cost: Some high-quality protein supplements can be expensive.

Digestion: Some people may experience digestive problems if they consume large amounts of protein powder in a short period of time.

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs):
Essential Amino Acids: BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, valine) are three of the essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own and must be obtained through diet or supplements.
Fast Absorption: BCAAs are rapidly absorbed and are directly used as an energy source during physical activity.
Anti-catabolic: Can help prevent muscle breakdown during intense training.


They are not Complete Proteins: Although they are essential, BCAAs do not provide all the amino acids necessary for complete protein synthesis.

Limited to 3 Amino Acids: Unlike protein powders, which contain a full range of amino acids, BCAAs are made up of only three specific amino acids.

Need for Balanced Supplementation: It is important to balance your BCAA intake with other sources of protein in your diet to get all the essential amino acids.

Which one to choose depends on your goals:

If you're looking to gain muscle mass or need a complete protein source, protein powder may be your best choice.

If you are focused on improving endurance and performance during training, BCAAs may be an interesting option to provide energy and anti-catabolic support.

Furthermore, you can also consider using both. Some athletes take BCAAs before or during training and integrate protein powder into their meal plan to reach their daily protein needs.

Remember that, as with any supplement, it is always advisable to consult a health professional or dietician to determine which option is best suited to your specific needs and to ensure you do not exceed the recommended doses.

We remind you that the information contained herein is for informational purposes only, always contact your doctor before taking the product.